
We’re officially on welfare. Come on, kids. Help me scatter garbage on the front lawn.

Well, it’s bad news, kids, in the flushing department. We are going to have to have the side lines replaced. This is the line that runs from the house, under the driveway, across the front lawn, under the roots of several very tall pine trees, and out to the main line, which is run by the city. Ron is trés unhappy about it. All I hear, when I speak to him, is “thousands of dollars thousands of dollars sigh grumble money anger.” Which is easy for him to say, because he can use water in his place up in Anacortes. Actually, it’s not easy for him to say. It’s apparently very upsetting. I know it would be to me. Which is why I do not own a home. I am too irresponsible to be able to handle the expensive emergencies that could come up. Like this one. I have no idea how much this is going to cost. Or when it will be done. Hopefully this week. I’m running out of clean dishes.
The good news is, garbage service will resume on Thursday! I’ve been living on only yard waste and recycling for the past three weeks. Of course, if someone had told me that food waste, and food soiled paper, count as “yard waste” in this town, it would have helped a little bit. We’ve got quite the little Waste Management plan going in my county, actually. All the recycling in one big blue can. And more stuff than you think can go into “yard waste,” which is a big black can. But that’s not good enough, when you have kitty litter waste. And various garbages created just by being a girl. My green garbage can will be delivered on Thursday. Yay! I’m going to run around the house and separate all my waste and put it into the appropriate can or temporary large plastic bag!
Trash day has never made me so happy.
