
Please send help…

I have meetings from 10-3 and 4-5. Despite working Saturday and Sunday, I have not finished all the work that was due on Friday. And some that is due today. Including a report for my 1:30 meeting. Which I will be late to because my meetings actually OVERLAP!!

No fun. No productivity. Hopefully I’ll do something extremely embarrassing during one of these meetings, so at least I’ll get some blog fodder out of the day. Chances are fair to middling.

Better go get my Dr. Pepper now.


11 thoughts on “Please send help…

  1. andy boy says:

    Play Buzzword Bingo, it’s a great meeting game! Make a bingo card with the usual buzzwords that your organizations drones come out with, give a copy to a few friends, and whoever fills in their card first, jumps up and shouts Bingo! (A little celebratory dance is optional).

  2. Liloo says:

    All work and no play makes Jodi something something.
    That would be super funny to Jodes, except she has an irrantional dislike of The Simpsons. So she won’t get it. We can all laugh, at her expense.

  3. Jodi says:

    we love to play buzzword bingo! in the larger meetings, where they never ask you to participate. the big big all company meetings are THE BEST, as they never say anything that actually means something. all my meetings are small and people are going to expect to contribute. they are sooo misguided.
    liloo, it’s not so much that i dislike them as i don’t think the show is that funny. i’ve watched it a couple of times. eh… it’s ok. whatever. i don’t see what the big deal is. it’s no south park. i have a COMPLETE DISLIKE of seinfeld, however.

  4. Liloo: “All work and no play makes Jodi.. something something…”
    Thomas: “‘Go crazy’?”
    Jodi: “Don’t mind if I do!!!” (fires up the chainsaw)
    I’ll let Jodi not “get” the Simpsons the same way I think Neil Diamond is in it for the granny panties thorwn onstage…
    And I like JERRY Seinfeld, but the character of “George Costanza” ruined it for me on the show “Seinfeld.” I still see him a Richard Gere’s pervy business partner in “Pretty Woman,” and for someone to be called “pervy” when paired with the human hamster cannon himself, that’s “DAMN” level “pervy.”

  5. arifa says:

    your calendar is doing what i call “tetrising”. sometimes, you open up your outlook calendar and look at all your meetings stacked up in odd shapes and stuff, and it just looks like a tetris game!

  6. Jodi says:

    yes. it is. and i’m starting to lose my mind and giggle in my meetings. and i’m both making faces at evildeb from across the room AND IM’ing her insults at the same time. multi-tasking.

  7. Jodi says:

    oh, and it was kramer that drove me nuts on seinfeld. plus, the show wasn’t that funny. the simpsons is fine, i have no problem with it,.. i just don’t watch it. meh.

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