Amelia, evildeb, macs

Three things for a Monday

– It’s Loon’s birthday! Happy birthday Loon,

– Saturday was Evildeb’s Evil Birthday! Happy Evilday, Deb! She was in Victoria BC, and I was under quarantine, so I have not celebrated an evil birth ritual with her yet. Any ideas?

– I just ordered my Mac Mini, using the discount given unto my P.O.E. by Apple. Hooray! My home system needed an upgrade. My G4 will become the delegated MP3 server.

– Due to a physical injury, the monkee is rumored to be a bit more subdued and “quiet,” currently. But I don’t notice a difference.

– Also, I just pre-ordered the Sims2 for the Mac. It comes out on June 13th. [birthday of Liloo and my uncle Jim.] So the blog may go, as they say in the theatre world, dark for a bit. Dark, with strong possibilities for sim stories.

– I got a Mother’s Day card in the mail from my cat.

I said three things and that is six… sorry. I’m still not quite myself, truthfully.

Amelia says “hi!”


7 thoughts on “Three things for a Monday

  1. Marie says:

    As soon as I saw the words, “Mac Mini”, visions of you playing Sims2 started dancing around in my head. It’s May! Hooray! You are going to have so much fun!!!

  2. Jodi says:

    yes, i do not currently have the speed or the video card for the sims 2. my video card is the original one that came with my g4 about 5 years ago. rather than upgrade the processor a second time, as well as get a new video card, i just got a mini. 🙂

  3. Congrats on your “upgrade”. A little sad to hear that the Sims may take you away from us…enjoy the R&R 😉 I have never played since I know my personality would have me sitting 23.5 hours a day staring at the screen just wondering what they will do next.

  4. Jodi says:

    oh a new game of sims is the happiest place!! come with me, won’t you! you too can be a GOD! i like to mess with their little lives.
    even nicer, with my current video card i am unable to play a high def quicktime movie trailer, even at half size, after download. video is choppy. i imagine things are going to start looking a lot prettier on my monitor.

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