
Then and Now: Episode Four

Frankly, I am surprised that no one covered this song sooner. This was the shocking song of my youth, well, teenage youth. I cannot even begin to calculate how many times I saw Purple Rain back then. It was constantly playing at the midnight movies. Not a whole lot to do in Tulsa, when you are a teenager. This song is the key pivotal moment in the movie in which Prince, the hero, makes Apollonia, aka: Vanity #2, cry. He does this by mentioning the taboo subject of self love, and then humping the stage floor. It was very upsetting to her. [I never understood that.]
Darling Nikki – Prince 1984

When I first heard this cover, I believe my words were “Fuck, YEAH! Why didn’t anyone cover this before? That’s hot.” This song was not actually released on the album it was meant to be released upon, if that makes sense, per Prince’s request. So they gave it to the radios to play, which is where I heard it, and had it for free download on the website for a while. I looove this cover. This may be my favorite Then and Now yet.
Darling Nikki – Foo Fighters 2003 [i think .. ’round about then]


4 thoughts on “Then and Now: Episode Four

  1. Marie says:

    I’ve heard this on the radio, too, and you’re right, it [i]is[/i] an awesome cover! The only thing is, I’m rarely in the car (where I listen to the radio the most), without kiddos, so I usually have to change the station when it comes on. Oh well.

  2. Indeed my favorite Then and Now yet! I wonder why Prince was such a jerk by banning the song? Then again, I wonder a lot about anything Prince has done. I have heard him called a musical genius, but never rational.

  3. they play this cover all the time on our local station. love it. never actually knew the original (never been a prince fan) so i just listened to it. i love the cover better. hehe. which is not to infrequent in my world.
    you know, this version of the cover sounds a little slower the version i’m used to hearing. i wonder if the foo fighters have a couple versions out there?

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