« Well Pete, I figured it should be the one with the capacity for abstract thought. But if that ain't the consensus view, then hell, let's put it to a vote. | Main | That's it! I'm tired of always being the one eating insects and getting the funny syphillis! From now on, I'm not going to be anyone's butt-monkey! »

Some of the best things come in small packages. But large things can't! Unless they're inflatable, or require some assembly, or unless they're hearts. Yes, giant, juicy, loving hearts! As big as the moon, but much, much warmer!

i love the tick.

so i'm in an emotional pickle. we are hiring a new person for my team. finally! but a lot of people i know are applying. and there are two of them that i really want to have it. but i can't have it both ways. i won't even tell you if i want one of them more than the other, because that doesn't matter. i want it all. there are a lot FEELINGS involved. i know who would be more disappointed not to get it, and i know who has been dreaming of working here for years. i know who is unemployed, and who is working. i've worked with both of them, so i know the personalities and how i get along with them. regardless, i am not involved in the hiring process. for this very reason. which is probably a good thing, as i cannot be objective. and i have no idea who will get it, and nobody will tell me anything. i will say this, if one of those two people do NOT get it, well then i will be pissed off!

when we get a new person, they will probably fill the last cube in this pod, currently a resource cube. and our pod will be full. and LOUD, i imagine. it's already LOUD. [lloyd is over there talking right now, as i type. blah blah blah blah. :) ]