« That's it! I'm tired of always being the one eating insects and getting the funny syphillis! From now on, I'm not going to be anyone's butt-monkey! | Main | Is your vagina listed in the New York City guide books?! Because it should be - hottest spot in town! Always open! »

Norman... you old poop!!

All hail katherine hepburn.. who passed away today. she kicked ass.

either my mac is running extremely slow, or i am running in hyper-speed. it's painful to work right now. and everything i do seems to crash some program. i should just go home. update: i am running in hyperspeed, i just lost an hour between 3:40 and 4:45. completely lost it.

i have nothing too exciting to tell you that isn't all personal shit about my family. should i tell you anyway? first, and this one isn't all that privatey, my grandma fell and broke her hip. she was actually at the dr's office when it happened, which is good. she's 88. recently my stepmom and my uncle have been discussing the fact that my grandparents are getting to the point in which they are going to need full on assisted living. i think my granddad is 89... he's in real bad shape, barely mobile. and c-r-a-n-k-y. grandma was still mobile, but she had to pull an oxygen tank along with her... emphysema. they live in a somewhat assisted living apartment. there is a dining room in which the eat, but they live in an apartment. faye and uncle jerry were holding off, because it would break grandma's heart to have to give up the rest of her stuff. but they may not have a choice now. poor grandma. poor granddad. they've got to be sick of this crap.

even tho i am the one who is losing time, someone else in my family has checked themselves into treatment... again. which is funny because a year or two ago he was insisting that we were the ones who had a problem with his drinking, not him. he's been in treatment before. this time, he's going a different route. no 12 stepping, it uses "counter conditioning therapy." it's the shick shadel hospital

and, yes... lisa... syphillus IS funny!