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Is your vagina listed in the New York City guide books?! Because it should be - hottest spot in town! Always open!

bonjour, mes petits amis d'Internet!

i have good news! something that may mean i will actually have something worth writing about. the powers that be, here at work, are sending me to the macworld expo in new york city! i've resisted going to any trade shows, always saying that i was holding out for a macworld. but we stopped going to the one in nyc a few years ago. that left SF in january. i went to macworld in SF, but as myself. because i am THAT much of a geek. but i guess we're back in the NY show! because i'm going!! i'm going to be surrounded by yummy mac goodness!

i've never been to new york. ever ever. i've never worked a trade show, for that matter. and the powers that be always put you up some place really really nice. i don't know where i am staying yet, haven't received any details. i guess this means i'll get a cool trade show shirt. the last time i saw our booth, a couple years ago, they were wearing all black. but it does change. i've seen different types of trade show booth shirts since then.

this all happens in a week and a half. the week of the 14th thru the 18th. psm louise is going with me. i'm glad she is, because she's fun. you typically work 4 hours a day, and then the rest of the time is yours. for mischeif and mayhem! both!


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

YAY YOU! i am so happy for you. that just rules. this is what having a large brain will get you in life.