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All this fuss over a stupid book? Why don't you people get your priorities straight? Hel-lo! Cheerleading competition this week!

further exciting news about my trip to new york. exciting for me. and psm louise, it turns out. one of my very most favorite authors, janet evanovich, is going to be there, doing a reading and signing from the new stephanie plum book "to the nines" which comes out on the 15th! she's not coming anywhere near seattle, so i think it's a pretty wicked coincidence that she's going to be in new york city at the same time i am. wheee! that rules. yes i am going. the 2nd shift at the expo ends at 6, and the reading it at 7.

fee says its ok that i am going to a book signing, while in new york. out of all the things to do, i chose to do that. because, she said, that's the great thing about new york...whatever you are into, it's going on. and if it's books for me, than that's just fine.

it's very very quiet today, here at work. it's the day before a holiday weekend. the majority of people took today off. those who did not, are leaving in bits and drabs, earlier than usual. i'm holding out until 4. i'm trying.

that's all i got. i told you, it's a good thing i'm going somewhere, so i will have something to write about. i will tell you this, coworker sparkie and i are going to quit our jobs and looking for saddam. i figure i've got a better chance of finding him, than winning the lottery.