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You have to stop the Q-Tip when there's resistance.

pru and her adventures with q-tips. i tried, fee, i really tried, but i could not get a shot of her walking around with the q-tip in her mouth. probably because she wasn't running away from me with it.

here you can see the beginning of the battle. it's a toss up, at this point, whether pru is going to either a: play with the q-tip, or b: attack the bedding as i try to put clean sheets on the bed.

here is a good close up shot, in which prudence tries to chew the q-tip INTO SUBMISSION!!

the battle royale! it's a blur of fur and... well, furr.

tune into tomorrow when we find out what happens when...

pru knocks the q-tip off the bed!! [i don't know what she's doing in this shot either, exactly.]


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.


that is just soooo cute! i wish you could bring prudence along when you come to visit =)

I still say it's a robot cat.