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You know, I've always wanted a child. And now I think I'll have one... on toast!

ummm... the only meaning behind that title is, i think i trashed Toast, trying to burn a cd. no, not trashed, crashed. yes. i think toast is toast, and so is that cd. and that is why we have floors, people, so we have somewhere to toss the dodgy discs.

all of you use windows. and you are saying to yourselves, Jodi - what the fuck are you talking about? toast what? crashing who? i guess i just live in a macworld all by myself. toast is the software i use to burn cd's. ok?

and, speaking of my macworld, i leave tomorrow morning, at 8:20 for NYC. and here is where i am staying... the W in Times Square trendy and posh, we've decided it is. i'm very certain i'm not trendy enough to stay there, but since the anonymous corporate machine is paying for it, i guess the hotel probably won't kick my geek ass out.

if all goes according to plan, i'll be able to update from nyc. if it does not go according to plan, i guess i'll just get drunk instead.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

NICE hotel!

i'd watch out if i were you. i think while in NYC you'll be within range of lisa's evil baby duck army. it's not so far for them to fly.