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Famous people are just more interesting

i'm back! did you miss me? i would have updated from new york, except... well... i couldn't be bothered! sorry. getting online was sometimes tricky. and the powerbook i was using was rilly rilly slow. and... like i said, i couldn't be bothered. and then i got sick!! yes!

so.. so much to say. right now, all i want to do is bitch about the fact that i left my mouse at home, and i am forced to use a single button mouse, with no scroll wheel on my mac, here at work. i can't be expected to work like this, can i? these work environments are not up to standards. its a sad fact that i had to buy that mouse in the first place. [actually, to be honest, i probably could have had one purchased for me, i just didn't bother, i bought it myself.]

on saturday, louise and i checked our luggage, after we checked out of our rooms, so we could wander around until it was time to leave. the bellboy said to me, after hearing my name, that it sounded like i was either a "best selling novelist or an actor." and i said to him, "darling boy... aren't you precious? i am currently an unpublished best selling author! you are so psychic!" no i didn't... i laughed and said, "yeah, either that, or a girl in tech support. one of those three." but i'm telling to truth, he really said that thing about the best selling novelist. i refuse to believe that he says flattering things to everyone about their names. i think it's an OMEN. and i don't mean that in a gregory peck way, either. or maybe he just wanted a tip.