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First class, that's what's wrong. It used to be a better meal, now it's a better life.

the best thing about my trip to new york? i volunteered to take a bump on the way there. ended up, they didn't need us. so louise and i flew non-stop first class all the way to new york. it is pretty damn obvious that i belong in first class. we weren't even cool about being upgraded. i mean, we didn't sit there nonchalantly, in first class, accepting our hot towel with knowing looks. we totally spazzed out, "hot towel? heck YEAH i want one. what's it for?" i figure we were either refreshing and amusing; or... we were really really annoying.

the hotel was so fuckin' trendy i can just barely stand it. i know i wasn't trendy enough to stay there. they play house music in the lobby, which they prefer to call the "living room." upstairs, where the rooms are, the hallways are painted entirely black. there is a mosaic of faces on the wall, in the center of which lays a small tv screen which plays mtv 24 hours a day. it's the TRL of hotels. that gets really old really fast. you have to be exceptionally good looking to work there, as well. i encountered two really sunny happy friendly people there. the rest were cool, professional and friendly. you know what i mean? there's a difference. again. i don't belong there.

more on nyc later....