« You can walk up to him in Times Square put a gun to his head and pull the fucking trigger and there's nothing they can do about it! Kinda makes you feel all warm and tingly inside don't it? | Main | Since I'm a Queen of my word, you're free to go and pursue the blanket or bed covering of your choice. »

Good morning, gentlemen. ACME pollution inspection. We're cleaning up the world, we thought this was a suitable starting point.

ok, here's the deal. next week, the managers at my apartment complex are conducting their annual inspection. which, in the past, has happened every three years. however, last year we got new managers, and they apparently take the annual part seriously. my building will be inspected on tuesday.

you know what this means. yes. exactly. i have to clean. everyone loves it when i whine about cleaning. i think the last time i had to clean the apartment, it was for bookclub. and i got out of that. so god only knows when the last time the entire place has been clean. all of it. probably last year's annual inspection. or when i was recovering from sugery last sept, because i remember my mom cleaning a lot while i took drugs.

anyway, what would a weekend of cleaning my fucked up apartment be if i didn't cry about it online, while in the midst? you would be disppointed. you'd be let down. you'd think i'd forsaken you, dear internet friends. i haven't.

Response to Peg: i checked the tardblog, and it's still there. maybe it was down the day you last visited? or maybe the tards are just out to get you? can't trust those tards.