« Good morning, gentlemen. ACME pollution inspection. We're cleaning up the world, we thought this was a suitable starting point. | Main | Someone's got to stand the heat and stay in the kitchen. Someone's got to don the oven mitts of all that's right and strangle the red-hot throat of all that's wrong. »

Since I'm a Queen of my word, you're free to go and pursue the blanket or bed covering of your choice.

1:55 pm
i had a short, itty bitty bit of motivation last night. about 1/20th the amount of motivation i need to clean the entire apartment. but it's gone now. unfortunate.

so, i decided to cut my hair. i just had six inches cut off. six inches the shortest part. it's now above my shoulders. take THAT messy apartment!!!

pictures may come later. we'll see.

5:23 pm

when all else fails, and you cannot find inspiration within your home, it's best to search for outside sources. that can only mean one thing. linen's n' things. i got a set of lime green jersey knit tshirt sheets for $19, on sale. lime green! summer freshness! they are groovy. it's ok, tho. i needed a new set. my favorite sheets, the grey jersey, have holes. the laundry place that sometimes does my laundry accidentally put them in a load of whites with bleach. but they are the softest! nonetheless, they are dying. and that leaves me with only.... three sets of jersey knit sheets!! and two flannel. ok. i have a bedding issue. whatever. i also got a giant dark charcoal grey floor mat for the kitchen - $9. so i won't have to clean the floor as carefully! ha! i'm kidding. everyone knows is the edges you miss, not the middle. a mat wouldn't do any good. sheesh.

i think i've finally cleared the living room/ dining room/ office of "empties."

7:55 pm

i accidentally took a nap. oops.

i'm too the point where i am making deals with myself to do a simple couple of minutes of cleaning. this does not make for fast progress. however.... i don't have time to talk about it, as i told myself i could go to barnes and noble if i emptied the dishwasher. but i have to do a load of laundry when i get back.

10:14 pm

there are all levels of clean. think of it like maslow's hierarchy of needs, we need to make sure the basics are met, before we even approach self actualization. this particular go around, we are going to be lucky not to be caught nekkid, looking for shelter, metaphorically speaking. my basic requirements? total and complete strangers need to be able to enter my apartment, while i am not there, for about two minutes, without tripping over anything while they walk. and at no time should the follow phrases be uttered "what's the smell?" "oh her POOR MOTHER!" or "have you had a tetnus shot in the last five years?" that's all i require for success.

you know what? i'm typing without spell check right now! living on the edge.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

oooooooooh! i've seen those lime green sheets. howie and i almost splurged and bought a bunch of fun sheets from linens and things, but i have that annoying condition called self control when it comes to money. will they ever find a cure?

i'm glad that you bought them, though, because when i'm your butler i'll at least get to be close to the fun sheets. i'll know that SOMEONE nearby is enjoying sleeping surrounded by fun lime green.