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Someone's got to stand the heat and stay in the kitchen. Someone's got to don the oven mitts of all that's right and strangle the red-hot throat of all that's wrong.

in all my infinite wisdom, i decided to find out exactly what this annual inspection is all about. for all i know, they could simply be checking to see if your front door opens properly. in which case, you wouldn't have to pick up the carpeting of clothes on your bedroom floor. so i stopped by the management office to ask. but NO - they walk through the entire apartment, looking at carpeting and appliances. although they don't touch anything. coughing in the assistant managers face, i yelled, "god dammit! do you HEAR that cough? can you sense how congested i am? my right ear is completely plugged up and throbbing in pain. does that sound healthy to you? does this sound like a girl who should be cleaning an apartment which going to get into the 90's later? i ask you?!@!"

no i didn't. i said, "umm. ok. can i have parking space two back? you accidentally gave it away and i've been parking in 1, and i like 2 better and that guy moved out." so i got my old parking spot back.

it's true about the ear though. i think there is something wrong with it. i'm going to clean the kitchen anyway.