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Gentlemen! If I cut my own head off with sufficient force, the blood will rocket out my neck and propel my body to Phoenix!

oh just cut off my head already! enough with the pressure and the throbbing ear pain. i'm over it.

i have a dr's appt. this afternoon to have my head removed, as it is infected. i will either have my head removed, or they will give me an antibiotic. one of the two.

my apartment is not finished, i still have a bit of the front hall, the bathroom and my bedroom left. my bedroom is the worst. but, while emailing fee, i came up with a plan that will help me deal with the laundry carpet, without actually doing all that laundry. i'll shove it all to one side, vacuum, shove it all to the other side, vacuum. and then i will separate it into color piles. then i will set a basket full of CLEAN laundry, next to the piles. [i do intend on doing at least one load this afternoon] along with the soap, and the bottle of downy. then it will look like all those clothes are on the floor on purpose, because i am in THE MIDST of doing laundry. "what a good girl! doing all that laundry. her mother must be so proud. i bet some of that laundry belongs to little bald children with cancer, who can't do their own laundry."

i forgot that, at least for me, short hair requires more work than long hair. bleh.

7:13 pm

my brilliant laundry plan is more work than i thought it would be. who knew that stuff would live under all the clothes? i'm finding books and cd's i haven't seen in months. oh, and did i mention that every single piece of clothing i own is dirty. i think i've been washing the same tshirt, shorts and underwear over and over and over, and ignoring every other article of clothing. i'm trying to finish it up before i do the vacuum, because i don't want to vacuum too late in the evening. i think the people below me have a baby. aren't i considerate?

i napped after i came home from the dr [yes, my head is infected.] so, in theory, i could stay up and clean for hours and hours and hours. ha! the later it gets, the less i care what people think.

won't you be happy when it's tomorrow, and it will be too late to do anything else about it, so i'll quit talking about it?