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You say tomato... I say cause of death.

not much to say. read a lot of books this weekend. sooooo many books. of various genres. i'm fairly dizzy with them. i cannot stress enough, dear internet friends, how much you need to read a billy chaka adventure. that would be "tokyo suckerpunch" "hokkaido popsicle" or "dreaming pachinko." in that order. by isaac adamson. trust me. i wouldn't bunny-elk you.

and, in the grand tradition of a monday, i'll let my entire blog entry be links to other people's stuff. it's just easier that way. did you know that dr. frank has a blog? not sure i'm worthy of such goodness, but there it is! free of charge!

steve sent out a link to rotten tomato's reviews about the movie gigli, which stars ben affleck and j-lo. they are some of the best scathing reviews i've read in a long time. they are meeeeeeeean. laugh out loud mean.

'k. that's it. told you i had nothing of my own to showcase. it's monday. i've spent the afternoon troubleshooting a troubled index. indexing is extremely tedious, i can't figure the problem out, and therefore i've shut down brain. and this is what you get.

ps: thanks for the comments, dust mites! it's good to hear from you!

oh, and in response to lisa:

the test is not online, but i suppose i can give it to you anyway. it's pretty easy to take. it's only about 15 questions, each half.

also, you don't have my weather. i don't know who's weather you have, but 84 and stormy is not my weather. it's too hot to be my weather. my weather would be more like upper 70's. but most likely lower 70's, if it was going to rain. we don't actually get many storms. just rain.

maybe you have san diego's weather?


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Uh, San Diego's weather? No, I don't think so, we don't do "stormy" in the summertime. Hell, we don't do "stormy" hardly any time of year. At least, not with any frequency, when we do, we do it right, though! =)

Well, then dammit we have the weather from the fourth planet of the Alpha Centauri system. Today is overcast, rainy and about 80 degrees. Freaky.