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But, you're in denial, so you act out your gay persona with a homosexual puppet.

i'm in an excellent mood today. you know why? three reasons.

1. it's eddie night! i get to see eddie izzard tonight, and have smart cocktails and appetizers.

2. i slept like a freakin' baby last night. i was in bed by 9 and slept until 5:30 without waking up once.

3. i am in deep deep deep denial today. not just my every day denial. that's superficial low level denial. i am in a super saturated sense of denial. the kind of denial that can only last one day, i am sure. but i am going to run with it while i can. i'm wrapped up in a snugly, protective blanket of denial and it's softer than cashmere, kids! mmmm.... april fresh denial.

i'm wearing my sesame street t-shirt [it's my favorite] my light khaki cargo capri pants [old navy] and my flip floppiest slappy black mules. [platform]. my hair is extra curly, and so is my mood. let's all enjoy it, shall we?

**commence enjoying me**

oh, wait... did you know that september 19th is national talk like a pirate day? it is. this is such good news for lloyd, as he figures he can wear his fencing sword in public that day, and not look like a total tard. he's wrong of course. i will be flying down to LA on the 19th, so celebrate NTLAP day with fee and h'wee and kam. arrgh!!


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

i did actually know about sept. 19th! my ex-coworker, bill, and i tried to do it last year. training was much more fun when we ewre discussing it amidst arrrghs and mateys.