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Yeah! Let's go get sushi and not pay.

i did four loads of laundry and that's not even the tip of the iceberg baby. that's just all the darks. minus any black. the blacks warrant a load or two all their own. yes, i have not done significant laundry in a while. plus, i have a lot of sheets. i have a slight bedding addiction.

since i found the cord to my digital camera, here are two pictures from the conveyor belt sushi place. click image to enlarge:

evildeb's pile of sushi plates. the colors represent the different prices. which were listed on the wall. that's evildeb's evil hand with the chopsticks.

sushi going 'round and 'round and nobody eating it until it gets bad and poisonous. but that's just my concern. i have no proof.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

i don't know why, but your pictures never show up for me. they did before. but the pictures in this post do not. same with the pic you put in lisa's test blog. strange.

i can't see the pics either. and i was really looking forward to sushi-go-round.

yup - same here. and sometimes, i can't get the whole page to load. like now it's stopping after "just by having my birthday. we'll discuss that card later. but here's the card i got for the year:" and then no more.

good. atleast i know it's not just me. :)

no no. the sushi goes 'round and 'round until it gets pulled by the super-secret poisoned sushi pulling machine which reads the barcodes on the bottom of the plates.

(see barcodes underneath plate by evildeb's hand)