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ooo... i'm so excited!

so excited i'm not even using movie quotes for subject lines. i am so excited, because i am about to bring the smack down upon a sales person. here at work. not at some store. someone here. who is abusing and misusing systems that have been put into place. he did it in about five different ways, and, unfortunately for him, he did it to my babytechs as well. so it's been documented in case notes. and, unfortunately for him, i'm in the mood for a smack down!

it's trés exciting. i justed listed off his crimes to my podmates. and their reaction to enthusiasm was "oooooooooh... someone's in trouble."

btw, louise. i didn't do anything. if it's fixed, it's because you were LYING in the first place. :P


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

It's gone again. The picture is not displaying. Come and see if you like, right now! that's if you're not too busy attacking poor, defenceless sales folk....