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jodi.... you just became a nanowrimo winner, what are you going to do now?

go to barnes and noble, baby!!


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i thnk i'm going to B&N too. and i'm also going to buy me a fancy NaNoWriMo tshirt. so people can look at my boobs and go 'hey, what's that?' and i can tell them all that i wrote a novel. :)

You both deserve t-shirts!!!!!! And big pitchers of frozen banana daiqueries!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Jodi!

Yaaaaaaa! *waving flippers like Kermit*

I'm proud of you, you writing machine! The lessons you said you learned are good lessons indeed. Welcome to the cult! :)

oh my gosh - is that MUPPET RUNNING i see?!?!?

i am going to buy a 2nd wrimo shirt. i have the brown one in the girly style. i'm going to get a black on in the boy style. and i am ALL ABOUT getting people to look at my boobs.

right, fee?

Dude, you rock! You rock so much that *I* went to Barnes & Noble, tonight, to celebrate! Ok, no Nanowrimo t-shirts for me, but books - lots and lots of glorious books, I spent way more time there than I had originally planned(as usual). It's the first time I've been in our new B&N, and it is just, well.....amazing!

Attracting attention to your boobs is a good thing!