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needed: pretty red boxes with black metal corners.

give it a few days.. eventually, i'll find my way back from the simsverse. you know what would help me? this:


but in a larger size. the size you would use to store a bunch of files. whatever size that is. a size of some significance, but not too large. and i need at least two of them. only i can't find them anywhere. the largest size i can find would hold a few hanging files. maybe. it would sit on top of your desk. i need BOXES. but they need to be pretty like that. i'm tired of the stacks of ugly boxes i have storing all my books that won't fit in the bookshelf. or anywhere else. i got some awesome stickers to decorate the boxes with... classy shit. i'm having a real queer eye for the straight guy gay man's decorating tip moment here, people but i cannot find the MATERIALS. i hate that.

anyway, here at the lables/stickers i have. some of them. i have international [24 stickers] and americana [24 stickers]. how cool are they? can you see why i need pretty red boxes with black steel corners?

oh bother.