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Think about it, Fink! Writers come and go; we always need Indians!

loon informed me that she has been reading Laurel K. Hamilton's blog/journal. and i said, "what? what? WHAT? where is it? i must read it now!" she didn't reply quickly enough for me, so i googled. i like journals that belong to writers. well, writers of books. i suppose all blog/journals belong to writers. because you are, after all, supposedly, writing in it. anyway, there it is. for fans of jean claude. who, to make it perfectly clear to liloo multisuck [won't bother linking to her blog cuz she never writes in it], is MY boyfriend.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Nothing to say about your latest blog reading, but I couldn't go away without saying how happy I was to see you quote Barton Fink in a title. =)

yeah. we're always going to need indians.