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Glasses! Oh, no, mom! Not glasses! They'll make me look absolutely positively goofy!

I lost my glasses. They are somewhere around here. I know I had them yesterday. I just don't know where I put them when I took them off... so I'm wearing my contacts. Which makes things a bit blurry.

I was kinda cleaning, which for me means that I was slowly picking things up for about five minutes, finding some book I love and deciding to read it again. And I came across some notes I took while in a two day Project Management class. In which I discovered I am so NOT suited to manage projects. And, I believe project management is responsible for a large majority of the corporate speak out there. Marketing being responsible for the rest of it. Through out the notes, Evildeb and I would write back and forth to each other, in my notebook. Below is an example of me using some of my new proj. managspeak. I think I was telling her I was thirsty, and that I wanted to bail early.

Me: I could be 50% with 72oz. in 3 seconds. Because I'm GOOD with the soda pop. Damn near professional.
Evildeb: You are very efficient. You've optimized your resources.
Me: I might be padding my estimate a bit.
Evildeb: That's ok, if you are in the right Phase.
Me: It's a low confidence estimate. I have no discipline, I want to leave right now.
Evildeb: I was just thinking the same thing.
Me: So, we are in sync?
Evidleb: I'm Justin Timberlake.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

"i'm justin timberlake." THAT IS PRICELESS!!!

ROFL - oh yes... *love it*