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Exclusive news footage

A building directly across from us, on Lake Union, just caught fire. When we first noticed it, we just saw great billows of smoke, but it wasn't long before we could see the blaze. And who do you think had the presence of mind to take pictures? EvilDeb! That's right. Although, she was chanting "fire! fire! fire!" while she did it.

Here are the pictures, click the thumbnails for bigger images. Really BIG images. Probably too big to see in your browser window. Sorry.

The green house boat, next to the burning building did catch fire, but I don't know how much damage was done. See the police boat, angling up to the buildings, with the spray of water shooting out? He saved the day. I don't think the street fire trucks could have gotten down there so quickly. The fire boat didn't show up until the fire was out.

So my whole dept stood, with our noses pressed to the glass and watched the whole thing. From smoke to ash. And now work seems anticlimactic. I think we should run over there and visit the firemen!!


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Fire!! Ahhh!! EvilDeb takes pictures real good.