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bad kitty shoes

Hey... I am not sick, or on vacation, or trapped under some heavy piece of furniture, or lying at the bottom of a deep well, or morosely depressed or even dead. I'm just simply unable to form coherent, let alone interesting, thoughts right now. It's a phase. I bet it's like PMS or something, and in three to five days I'll be fine. Your patience is appreciated.

In the mean time, please go look at Louise's painted Shag-esque sandals. She is going to paints some for me (and Anastasia), probably with devil kitties. Or possibly cosmonaut kitties. I haven't decided. All I have to do is take her to dinner at PF Chang's. Sweet.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

dude - she could SO sell those. that is adorable! does she pronounce dr. scholl's with a hard "k" sound, like "dr. skolls"?