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Antmusic for Sex People

Juanito the Bandito from the album B-Side Babies by Adam Ant

I'm playing with the iTunes button on Ecto again. By "playing with" I mean "hitting repeatedly."

Kings Of The Wild Frontier from the album Antics In The Forbidden Zone by Adam Ant

I rediscovered my musical roots in a BIG WAY recently. When I was 14 or 15 years old, I had an Adam Ant poster, usually two, on every wall in my room. Including the inside of my walk in closet. I'm all about the antmusic right now. I've long since lost all my long playing albums, so I've rebuilt my collect in bits and pieces. And the other day, thanks to the iTunes Music Store, and other secret sources, i know have a full "Kings of the Wild Frontier" and "Friend or Foe" collection. I'm missing quite a bit of "Dirk Wears White Sox" and "Strip." And one song from "Prince Charming,".... Picasso Visita el Planeta de los Simios. I haven't even started on anything more recent than "Strip."

Beat My Guest from the album Antics In The Forbidden Zone by Adam Ant

All these songs about B&D and cross dressing... I was such a little freak in jr. high!!