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something icky this way comes

I've just been notified, as of this evening, that apartment complex gestapo will be performing their "annual inspection" on Thursday. This is all the notice I have. And by Annual Inspection, we mean, whenever the hell we feel like it, but certainly not annually. I had one inspection the summer after I moved in, then nothing until two years ago. I've lived here nine years. They always give you over a week. This time, they didn't even give me a weekend. I am very frustrated with them. My apartment is as bad as it's ever been. And there is a lot more work than can be done by Thursday. Considering I have a job to go to every day.

It's true I could have been cleaning last week, had I known. And some part knew that eventually they'd do it. But no part of me new they'd only give me three evenings to clean everything up. And why the fuck do they always pick the hottest days of the year? It would take me 8 hours, alone, just to clean my bedroom.

I'm afraid we are all going to suffer this time. As there is nothing I like better than procrastination via blog. And it's bound to get whiny. Sorry in advance.