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if rousing intellectual banter is asking too much, you can always just talk about poop. either one is fine with me.

The title is a real life quote from Fee. And a pretty awesome one, at that.

Mrs. Moon is going to come over tomorrow and help me clean. She's super good at it. I'm going to pay her. It's only fair. Currently, she is a punk rock housewife and stay at home mom. You'd think she does enough cleaning. But I think she sort of likes the sense of accomplishment. And it's a well known fact that cleaning someone else's house is easier somehow. I wouldn't say more fun, but.... Anyway, she is a much much much better cleaner and organizer than I am. When it gets too hot, we plan to go downstairs and jump in the pool. She'll keep me on track, keep me from slacking. Which is what I need most of all, really.

I really have nothing exciting to tell you ... the other night I went to Safeway and a man outside growled at me. Like a dog. Idiot that I am, I didn't think to hiss back at him (like a cat) until much later. Too bad.