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Wear a bra... for the good of the country.

i came into work early this morning... 6 am. I was awake at 4, so it seemed like the best idea. No, actually, the best idea would have been to clean, while the apartment was cool and come into work at nine. But I'm really not all that active in the morning, even when I get a decent amount of sleep. So I came here, instead. And I did my favorite thing... turned the damned florescent lights half off. No one else is here. There used to be a woman who worked at 6, who would always want them full on. But she isn't located in my section now.. she's got her own office. We have, at times, had great debates within my department, regarding the lighting. Some of us know that soft lighting is best for computer work, with task specific lighting on your desk for reading papers. Then, despite the fact that one long wall is completely filled with windows. the other side claims they have S.A.D. and will commit suicide if there is one iota of light removed. Good riddance? Perhaps... but they always end up winning. Because it's easier to just leave things as they are, and ignore the eye strain that some of us feel. The last battle we waged was a valiant one.... we'd gotten further than we had before. But again... I was told I should put in for a egonominc evaluation, which they do at this facility. Feh. Meanwhile, my eyes are getting worse and it's becoming increasing difficult to read text on the screen. I might have to request one of those fancy flat screen ultra sharp monitors. They show less glare and are super sharp. yup.

So the lighting is soft, and hopefully it will stay that way all day. Sometimes, if the truly adamant light people don't get here too early, you can do that. Then, when they get here, they will just think that everyone wants it and will not presume to change it. After all, it will be back to normal tomorrow. Wimpy bastards.

I'm feeling kind of sassy today, despite being tired. For the first time in the history of my life, I am bra-less at work. I'm wearing a camisole . It's officially become so hot that I know longer care if I am too fat to be scantily clad. Currently, I am wearing a hoodie over it. But you have to understand, even tho the breast reduction was two years ago, it still amazes me ... what I can wear. Comfortably. it's just a strappy tank top, and yet... I feel so naughty. Why, this is the first thing I've worn to work that shows my tattoo. Which is on my left shoulder, on my back. I write a lot of sentences that are actually dependent clauses. Which is incorrect. At least I realize that. Anyway, so yeah, it's supposed to get in the mid 90's here, which is BAD. We aren't built for weather like this. And I have to clean all weekend in my easy bake apartment. Did I tell you I called and begged for an extension on having my apartment inspected? I did. Now it's monday. But man, I am going to die cleaning that apartment, in this heat.

If you don't hear from me by monday, let the authorities know that I am dead in my apartment, please. Never-mind, they'll find me during the inspection.