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look jodi... a butterfly!*

I am so busy right now. Both at work and at home. I am a level of busy that I am not at all comfortable with, lover of sloth that I am. The worst part is, re: the home busy, I should be working my tail off, but I am reading instead. So... what's it called when you are super busy, but ignoring it in favor of books? Besides procrastination? or denial. Now, at work, I was plugging a long, working hard until Dr. Stevil had to send me some Sims2 links!! It's been released for the pc. And even though the Mac version has only been unofficially announced, those links were all it took to send me off on a wild goose chase for screen shots and quicktime movies. The Sims are the ultimate shiny object to me. In a way, I'm glad the mac version is not out. For the next 29 days, I will be all kinds of swamped. It will require hard work. *shudder* And then I will be fantastically NOT busy for three weeks while I am on sabbatical. Then we go back to busy at work, and with NaNoWrimo. [It would be disastrous for the Sims2 to be released right before NaNoWriMo. ] But after the new year, I'll only be busy at work. So...

EA, Maxis and most likely Aspyr,

You are free to start production on the Sims2 for Mac OS X. I think a nice early spring 05 release would suit me best. And please don't make me have to buy a G5 just to play it. I'm on a budget. If you could keep it on an 800 GHz level, that would be great. If not, I could always play on squishy, but she has less ram than my home machine. So thanks for everything, and remember, early Spring 05.

Thank you in advance,


*when I was a little tiny kid, my family would say "Look Jodi! A butterfly!" and when I turned my head to look, they'd snatch food off my plate. Isn't that horrible? Taking advantage of a preschooler aged child like that?


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Jodi, why are you not telling us where we can find this information!! I'm a Sims Addict

maybe i did not what what happened to me to happen to anyone else. i lost about two hours of my life just researching sims2.


i think it depends on what kind of food was on your plate in the first place.

well i gaurentee you it wasn't the vegetables.

I'm going to Target, in a little while, to hopefully get my copy of Sims2. The best part? (Well, the best part, besides the fact that I'm getting Sims2) I'm gonna use a Target gift card, that I got for my birthday, to pay for it! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!

i am very very very very very very jealous. do not think that i have not thought about buying it playing it here at work, after hours. but i know me with the sims. and i don't think it would be appropriate for me to stay here all night, unfed, unwashed, unsleept in the morning.

what's terribly terribly sad is, i just got a new pc at work. and i asked for a laptop, but i got a desktop. which wasn't such a big deal. i said oh well. but now i know... i could have taken it home every night to play. :(

i saw a commercial with a bunch of Sims stuff on it and it totally reminded me of you! you should make a tv show based on your sims chracters... you could narrate your backstories and stuff... it would be great!

i love my sims. i wish i could be playing with some sims 2 right now. if you aren't careful, you are going to get me going on my sims, makin' magic. i don't have time to play with them right now. maybe when i am on sabbatical.

Dude, Jodi - Sims2 - OH MY FUCKING GAWD!

DUDE. Just DUDE. The game is absolutely freakin' amazing! I thought the maneuvering seemed kind of slow, when I first started playing around with it, but in just a couple of days I've gotten far more adept at getting where I need to with speed, and procision. You get to customize the faces to exactly what you want - I've had a blast just making the Sims!

When do they think the Mac version is going to be done, and released? You are going to be so psyched, when it does come out, and you'll probably be MIA for awhile, too!

The Sims2 is too fucking cool for words! =)
