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Please hold....

no updating until big reports are finished. One down, one more to go. You know if I am still at work after 9pm, I must be busy, for I am the most supreme avoider of work ever.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

How are the reports going? Are you drudgering away over your keyboard? I'll send some super caffeine-Dr. Pepper Vibes your way.

i'm working on the 2nd one. which is not as bad as the first one. the first one is a MOTHER. this one is easier. it will take me all day, however. i just need to finish in time so that i can go to the book reading/signing at 7 tonight. Louise and I are going to see Jonathan Stroud.

jodes... this is awful. i am disappointed in you. staying until after 9 PM?!?!? what the heck is wrong with you???

i'm done i'm done!! and just to freak you out even more, fee, i'm going to celebrate by having some soup!!