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Kiss my ass, American popular culture.

Yesterday, I was driving home from work, and I got sick of my music. I'm currently between audio book selections, I'm waiting for some things to come in at the library. So I turned on the radio. I have not listened to the radio in months. It's all part of my new plan to add excitement to my life by not using my clock radio anymore. That is life on the edge. And I've been doing the audio book thing in the car... so no real radio. First, I heard a commercial about a reality tv show in which wives/mothers swap households. The next episode features a woman who drives a school bus and chops wood for six hours a day swapping with a rich wife who's never worked a day in her life. Next, a local talk show advertised a segment "How dental floss can keep you organized." And finally I learned that Tony Danza now has his own daytime talk show. So I pulled over to the side of the road. And I cried.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

It gets worse. Regis is still employed.

I'm sorry, I too lament the dumbing down of American Radio. If you'd like a good morning show try www.x96.com from 5-10am Mountain Time. Radio from Hell rocks.

By the way if you ever want to come visit the Rocky Mountains I have a full sized bed in a guest bedroom.

wheeee!! rocky mountain hiiiiiigh.

umm, re: regis, "aaaaaaaargh... don't remind me."

re: radio, if i listen to radio, it is a local station here called the moutain, which is good, but i hate commercials, or KEXP which is listener supported, or i listen to WOXY, which is web only and ROCKS. but still has those commercials.