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Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!

Well, as it turns out, the problem with my camera, and the picture of Louise and Clive Barker, was that I had it, the camera, on video mode. So we are left with a low quality, wee little movie of them posing, and then the camera pointing to the floor while Clive Barker tells me the flash did not go off. And Louise could not be happier to relieve the moment over and over. I am just sad that we can't get a decent still frame, but oh well. The original movie, off the camera, used to have my voice saying a word that is similar to "didinit?" [a tiny throw back to that Oklahoma accent I was referring to] But for some reason that was cut off when I exported out of iMovie. And believe it or not, I'm sad, because I know how much Fee likes to make fun of my voice. I don't have time to figure it out, however.

So there you go. Louise and I watched it a few times and reminisced how utterly delightful and charming he was.

There was a display of banned books at the bookstore the other night, and Louise asked me who exactly bans these books. I said, "ummm... THEY do. You know.. them." But we've been emailing back and forth a bit about it, I sent her this link to a Denver Post article I found on Bookslut. She pointed out the following quoted letter from the article:

"'Whale Talk' is a vile, un-Godly, profane novel," she said in The Detroit News. "My heart cries for the children who have read this book because ... what we have subjected ourselves to stays within us and Satan can use that to our detriment ..."

Louise: I'm surprised Satan hasn't made more use of all the crap I read. I would expect to see more detrimental effects if he had been.
Me: I’m surprised Satan hasn’t asked me to join his book club!
Louise: That would be fun. You should start a Satan's Bookclub weblog to log all your books.
Me: Yes, and we could rate things on just how very godless they are.

So look for Satan's Bookclub, coming soon. In which we plan to determine just how damaging certain books have been to our everlasting souls. Or maybe we'll just read naughty books, I don't know. I haven't worked out the details.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

that is an f-in' brilliant idea!! i would love to help with that! satan's bookclub! oh i love it.

::excitement, excitement::

You know what THEY say: Idle pants are the Devil's bookclub.

And as far as Satan's Bookclub, I thought she already had one... Yep... I was right... It's called Oprah's Bookclub though.

I love books, but I've never been too fond of book clubs, that is, until now. Satan's book club is one that I'd be proud to be a member of!