I should have taken the Christmas decorations down a long time ago...
Out with the holiday theme colors and in with a classic navy and grey. Because.. why not. Sort of a wintery set of colors. Maybe.
Just so you know I could have gone with a Valentine's Day theme, but I respect you guys too much.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.i like the navy and grey...plus red to red or red to pink is not so much of a change.
Posted by: river selkie | 14 janvier 2005 22h14
When she wears blue, I am in love with the swinging lady! But her friend on the comment page is still festive? Thanks for the respect, that's truly mutual.
Posted by: DrinkJack | 14 janvier 2005 22h39
ack! i totally forgot about the comments template. thanks for pointing that out. i'll fix it today.
Posted by: Jodi
15 janvier 2005 8h30
Ohhhhh...I like her new suit - very pretty!
Hey, girlie, I was thinking of you, last night. Don't you have the hots for Det. Stabler...? You need to add "Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle" to your NetFlix list! You will never look at Stabler the same way again!!!! Heh.
Posted by: Romy | 15 janvier 2005 9h24
oooh - navy is my favorite so far. nicely done.
Posted by: arifa
15 janvier 2005 11h53
your comment intrigues me, romy.
Posted by: Jodi
15 janvier 2005 15h45
As it should, Jodi! Oh, and I should specify that you want to get the unrated version of the movie. Teeheehee. =)
Posted by: Marie
16 janvier 2005 12h34
I've decided you are up to no good, Romy. I've seen previews for that movie...
Posted by: Jodi
16 janvier 2005 13h20
When have I ever been otherwise, Jodi?
But seriously, the movie, you must watch it, not just because of Stabler, but because it's just damn funny. Hehehehehe!
Posted by: Marie
16 janvier 2005 14h11
Blueberry pancakes... Mmmm...
And her suit is nice too... ;)
Posted by: Thomas | 17 janvier 2005 9h20