Do you think the grey used in the titles and sidebar is too light?
I think it's a little too light.
« Well, red usually means "Caution," or "Beef" if it's a bouillon cube. | Main | Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup. »
I think it's a little too light.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Just makes us pay attention a little more :)
Posted by: DrinkJack | 18 janvier 2005 17h27
I like the color. It's calm... serene...
Posted by: Thomas | 19 janvier 2005 10h31
well, the grey is nice but, of course, purple would be ever so much more, well, regal. it's cold in Kentucky and I'm wishing I were at home with my dragon in lap and my drink in hand.
Posted by: pat the gravy-making auntie | 19 janvier 2005 17h33
okey dokey... i'll leave it as is.
Posted by: Jodi
19 janvier 2005 18h41
well hello auntie gravy,
you must be sad, we've entered a real gravy dry spell. i'm not sure we'll be encountering a gravy laden meal for a while.
i've done purple, of course. i think it's probably the color i've done the most. it's so pretty. it'll be back.
it was cold back here at home last week. below freezing. but it was in the 60's today. it's the freakiest weather you ever did see.
Posted by: Jodi
19 janvier 2005 23h35