I'M not! I'M going to The Fourth World... it's sort of like heaven. Only better, because there aren't any Christians!
I decided I needed some new icons on my mac, to spruce things up a bit. So I went to check out xicons, to see what was new. I downloaded this set I liked, bright colors, big fat happy icons, and did something I rarely do, read the ReadMe. In the readme, there was a link to a second page, an artist's note, so I started reading that. It thanked me for downloading the icons, and hoped I enjoyed them, and hey, could he tell me something? Ten years ago, he made the most important decision of his life, you see stuff doesn't last forever, your computer is obsolete in a couple of months, your car will break down, your flowers will die, and so will you. In fact, there is only one thing that will be there, for all eternity, one thing you can count on.... that's right... . JESUS CHRIST. This made me laugh out loud. The kinda laugh that the entire department can hear. It was just so... unexpected. And ridiculous. It went on to talk about Jesus and why should should accept Jesus in your heart and yadda yadda get a bible, if this note changed your life, let me know. Oh please. Now, I know he had the best Christian intentions when writing this, and it's probably trés disrespectful of me to mock it, but give me a break. First and foremost, I really don't think a note is going to convert anyone. Second, I hate it when people insert Jesus where he doesn't belong. Keep that Jesus fellow in your heart, not in your ReadMe's. And thirdly, just see my previous note about giving me a break.
I still like the icons, tho. Silly Christians.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I'm so grateful for that.
Hehehehe. =)
Posted by: Marie
24 janvier 2005 20h11