Ok buddy, uh, I was just tryin' to cheer us up so go ahead. Put on some old sad bastard music, see if I care.
Yesterday was, officially, the most depressing day of the year. I'm not making it up.... The British decided it's the most depressing day of the year. Apparently it all boils down to:
- The crappy, dark, cold weather.
- Any remaining dregs of holiday cheer are all used up.
- Most people have already failed at their NY's resolutions, by this point.
- Credit card bills for holiday spending starting to arrive.
- No fun to look forward to, no plans for holiday celebration, etc.
Well, I think it's all crap. And you know how much I understand the depression. Maybe it's just crap for me.
- dark skies don't bother me, and I don't believe in the S.A.D.
- holiday cheer is gone the morning of the 26th. It's over. And I'm relieved. Any dregs are removed by the time I go back to work.
- I didn't make any resolutions.
- I have no credit cards
I will admit, there is a long dry spell of no special workdays off. I don't think there is an official holiday PTO until Memorial day. That is pretty bleak. I told Evildeb, who is very sensitive, that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year, and she said, "What? No, I was fine yesterday." So that proves it. Believe me, if it had been true, she would have been depressed.
I bet the British never took Evildeb into account. No one ever does.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.believe me, the s.a.d. does exist. for both too much sun and not enough.
Posted by: river selkie | 28 janvier 2005 8h26
too much sun? i've never heard of it from that direction. i have that one. definately.
evildeb insists it exists. and, i guess it's probably true. what i don't believe is the idea that if you don't get to sit by a window at work, you'll sink into a deep depression. don't buy it.
but deb does, and that's why she's leaving for vegas this evening. to get some sun.
Posted by: Jodi
28 janvier 2005 9h02
you're right, it doesn't have to be a window. sun lamps work too. depending on the person, we all require a certain amount of sunlight a day to function properly. in places where that is difficult to receive, there is more depression.
and in arizona, where it is HOT and there is too much sun, we get depressed too. and anxious, and weather rage, and just plain cranky.
Posted by: river selkie | 30 janvier 2005 16h46
oh tell me about it. in my family, you either live here, in seattle, or in phoenix. i don't think they could be more opposite. the last time i went down there, it was almost october and well over a 100 degrees. i don't do well in that environment.
Posted by: Jodi
30 janvier 2005 17h56