I shall wash, but I shant be clean.
The other morning, while I was getting ready for work, I had the radio on. I heard an ad for Tylenol Flu medication. They were giving helpful hints, of the Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure variety. Example? Washing your hands with warm soapy water, for 30 seconds, reduces the chances of you catching the flu. Their helpful hint was this: teach your child to hum a little song while they wash their hands. That way, they will know when the 30 seconds is up.
So, the next time I washed my hands, I counted. I made it up to 12 hippopotamuses before I lost the will to wash. NO ONE can wash their hands for 30 seconds. It's unpossible. 30 seconds is forever when you are washing your hands. I don't even think surgeons wash their hands for 30 seconds. Forget it. Note: I do not yet have the flu.
I would think twice about teaching your kid to hum while washing his hands. The other kids will look at him funny, tease him and call him names. As he grows up, it will cease being weird and venture into creepy. Nobody likes to hear humming in the restroom.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.good points.
Posted by: river selkie | 28 janvier 2005 8h21
don't think i didn't almost write "nobody likes to see a hummer in the restroom."
Posted by: Jodi
28 janvier 2005 8h58
First of all let me make this clear. I detest the Oprah Winfrey Show. However, once I saw an Oprah Show where they said you should wash your hands for ages and ages to avoid germs and their top tip was that the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" is how long it should take.
Posted by: Louise | 29 janvier 2005 2h05
ok, first of all, let me make it official: it's been duly noted that you detest Oprah Winfrey. Or her show at least.
Happy Birthday does not last for 30 seconds. In fact, I just timed it. It's 10 seconds. At least when I sing it. THAT is doable. I can handle 10 hippotoamuses.
Posted by: Jodi
29 janvier 2005 11h14