sponge bob square pants will make you gay
You know, I don't even watch this show. I tried to watch it with the Sweet Pea once... it's kind of annoying. But, that doesn't mean that James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, and all of his ilk, is not a total and complete idiot. He's a sponge!!! A cartoon sponge! How can he push the gay agenda? Exactly what is the gay agenda? Remind me, because I think I forgot.
You know, when I was a kid, you didn't see people running around worried that Snagglepuss was going to turn us gay. Do people, [and by people I mean the geniuses who are protesting a video of cartoon characters singing We Are The Family, promoting tolerance, because they think it teaches kids to be gay] have too much time on their hands? Why aren't people just laughing in their faces? I don't see how anyone could ever take James Dobson seriously again. The man is a paranoid loon. I'd like to demonstrate a serious lack of tolerance towards him.
I'm speechless with amazement at the stupidity of it all.
link #1 article by CNN
link #2 wearefamilyfoundation.org
link #3 the man himself, James Dobson, explains how he is protecting children. *snort*
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.yeah, seriously. i love spongebob. i'll admit it. i watch it a lot. (yes.. i am a big dork) anyway... first and foremost the show tried to teach kids to be accepting and get along with everyone. and to appreciate friends/family. how can you get 'gay' outta that??!?!?!?! dobson is just whacked outta his mind. i've read stuff on him before. him, and others like him, seriously have too much time on their hands. get over it, people!
Posted by: Judy | 28 janvier 2005 6h03
my mom just told me about this. it's a crock-o-shit. i never could get into sponge bob, myself, but i know plenty of people who like it. it's like that harry potter thing. just as ridiculous. well, i guess, sponge bob books have graduated to satan's bookclub. hahahaha. and that comment about snagglepuss cracks me up!! good one.
you can temporarily find me at http://theoneselkie.blogspot.com.
Posted by: river selkie | 28 janvier 2005 8h20
waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands.
i get a kick out of watching spongebob. does that make me gay because spongebob is 'gay'? is that how it works? where's james dobson when i need him! *rolls eyes*
Posted by: loon
28 janvier 2005 8h42
river! i've been wondering where you were!
looks like both judy and loon are going gay. but i'm sure it's a happy kind of gay. do you guys like pineapple?
Posted by: Jodi
28 janvier 2005 8h57
well, i for one have been getting gayer and gayer since i started watching spongebob. don't be afraid to admit it, guys.
Posted by: arifa
28 janvier 2005 16h39
here is a follow up article.
the united church of christ is welcoming sponge bob square pants into their church. it's actually a good article. points out the things that make me so angry.
"Thomas said, on the contrary, it is Dobson who is crossing the moral line for sending the mistaken message that Christians do not value tolerance and diversity as important religious values.
"While Dobson's silly accusation makes headlines, it's also one more concrete example of how religion is misused over and over to promote intolerance over inclusion,"
Posted by: Jodi
28 janvier 2005 16h53