Let's stop talking. We're about to bond. It'll make me vomit.
I made up a word the other day, and it's genius. When I told it to Evildeb, she agreed, and then we made another genius world. And it's all because of chatting.
Fee and I were chatting the other night. She had just been given a new ergo keyboard. It's this crazy thing where the keys are actually concave in the board. Like two little bowls. With keys in them. Actually, here it is, if you want to see it. Needless to say, this was affecting her typing. She was getting frustrated, but I was having fun. Trying to figure out what she was saying. It was actually kinda cute.
That is Fee explaining to me that, either If She Can't Type, She Can't Get Carpal; or that If She Wants to Type, She Can't Get Carpal.
Now she is explaining to me that she is going to be training on her day off, and she will ask if she will receive a comp day for that.
She's confirming I can understand her.
She is describing someone's appearance.
And finally, here she explaining to me that wil wheaton is having comment problem on his blog.
See? Cute. Anyway, we were chatting away, and I was describing someone's behavior as passive-aggressive, which I abbreviated to pass/agg, creative abbreviation being the mark of a skilled chatter. But, that phrase comes up so often in my life. It might be the people I hand around with, I don't know, but I find myself saying passive-aggressive on a regular basis. Therefore, I came up with a new word:
Passaggrive. Which is pronounced pass-AGG-rive. Genius!! Obviously, it's a combination of passive and aggressive in one word. Saves time, saves strain on your typing fingers. Go out and use it in a sentence 10x's today!
The next day, I was chatting with Evildeb. We were discussing how much fun it can be to work with The Man. We enjoyed him a great deal, so much, it made us want to punch him, but with affection. I don't think there is a word to describe that feeling. Or, at least there wasn't. Affectolence - intense, but not life threatening, physical force, used to express affection; when you want to hurt the ones you love. It's like, when someone is so cute and funny that you want to pinch their cheeks and then maybe slap them. Little boys on playgrounds are champs at affectolence, it's the only way for them to express their feelings to little girls.
So, remember: Passaggrive and Affectolence/Affectolent. Add them to your spell check dictionary today.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Oh. My. God.
I understood everything she was typing for you see, we have people here that were raised in the "Hooked on Phonics" era.
There, Their and They're: Please, please PLEASE explain to me why people think it's "okey" to interchance these? "Mabye" it's the way they were "learned".
"Huked awn fonix werked fore mi!"
Feh, Kaka!
Posted by: Thomas | 31 janvier 2005 14h16
you can understand her, huh? i told her she typed like she was speaking with marbles in her mouth. but i could understand her because we share one brain.
it's huge, ginormous brain.
Posted by: Jodi
31 janvier 2005 16h56
but how cute did i look with my little baby head babbling at you? ooh - look at how much my typing on this thing has improved!!!
Posted by: arifa
1 février 2005 10h49
you do look cute. that's why i had to put up screen shots of the chat. because of your extreme cuteness.
Posted by: Jodi
1 février 2005 12h33