Tarot Collection
I was discussing Tarot cards, down below, with River Selkie, and I thought I'd list off the decks I own in my collection. Not all of them are traditional tarot. Some I got as gifts, the rest I bought because something about the artwork appealed to me. I don't read cards for other people, I barely read them for myself. But when I do, it's the Voyager Tarot I use. I've attended many workshops taught by the creator of this deck. And I've forced upon him many of my friends for readings. Which I am sure he enjoyed as my friends are all unique and special little flowers.
Besides the Voyager, I think my next favorite is the phantasmagoric theatre tarot. But we'll see how that stacks up the Housewives Tarot, once it arrives. Because those cards are pretty swell. The Victoria Regina just blew my mind when I saw it, I had not purchased a deck in a long time, until I found that one. I could spend days just looking at those cards, there is so much detail, and so many things hidden within them. You can see images from almost every deck in existence at aeclectic.net. Except for the rare and infamous Edward Gorey Tarot. Man would I love to have that deck.
Shakespearian Tarot [no image]
Morgan's Tarot [no image]
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.So, how can I get a reading? Just curious.
Posted by: DrinkJack | 30 janvier 2005 14h15
ah, but have you see the disney afternoon tarot deck??!!
Posted by: river selkie | 30 janvier 2005 16h53
of the two that i have, i only use the londa tarot for readings. and i don't do them anymore. i never really knew how. i just played with them.
when i bought the londa deck i was never really sure why i wanted them. nor did i particularly love the artwork. but something about them attracted me, obviously. and now they feel comfortable.
and the dragon tarot deck was a gift from a friend who knows i love dragons and who knew i was interested in tarot at the time.
Posted by: river selkie | 30 janvier 2005 17h02
a reading with james? the best way is to consult his schedule and watch for him to come to a town near you.
whenever he travels, he usually does readings. you can just email him. he's a very positive person, very encouraging. everybody likes having readings with him. i'm pretty sure my friend kam has one on an anual basis now. with all the referrals i've sent him, and the number of times those referrals have seen him and referred their friends to him, you'd think it was about time for a free reading. :) if you were greedy and selfish, like me.
true tarot people would tell you, river, that the londa deck was obviously the deck for you, if you are drawn to it. i would tell you that sometimes the true tarot people scare me a little bit. :)
Posted by: Jodi
30 janvier 2005 18h02
Didn't you post about tea recently? why can't find it? anyway, we need these: http://www.kularsoflondon.com/
Posted by: Louise | 30 janvier 2005 22h33
i looked at some of the samples for the voyager card... and way to much visual stimulus for me. hehe. but on the other hand, it might be easier to 'see' things in those various images.
Posted by: river selkie | 30 janvier 2005 22h42
loo-eeze....that was actually an email i sent you about tea. about the show i saw on tea and how to make a good pot of tea. i actually sent it to you and fee both.
you never pay attention to anything i say, do you?
a pantone chart for a perfect cup of tea. hell yeah we need those mugs.
Posted by: Jodi
30 janvier 2005 22h42