Look, Cox, I know how the world operates, and I'm not out to bust anybody's chops. But don't push me, okay?
You know, if someone says to you "I'm not trying to bust your chops, Jodi, but..." most likely, they are, indeed, trying to bust your chops. One way to tell; if they proceed to bust said chop from four different angles, four different directions, before making their final chop busting blow. So you get to sit and hear it for four times as long, before you can defend your chop. You and everyone else. Of course, this may all depend upon you being named Jodi.
Don't worry kids, I still got my chops. But I was thisclose to just yelling out "shut up shut up shut up already! i get what you are saying!! you doubt that i did a thorough job. let's just skip to the part where i tell you that yes, i did double check and yes I am certain, ok?" Since you are not trying to bust my chops or anything.
Some of the things I am working on right now, at work, are not easy. They are complicated annoying problems that are difficult to pin down. And there are many people involved, with me in the middle. The people on the Outside are frustrated and angry. Rightfully so, but they are less cooperative now because of it. The people on the Inside, with me, are fine. Ok, sure, one of them tried to bust my chops, but like I said, I still got 'em. I'm not easily intimidated. [just easily annoyed.] We had a meeting about this one particular issue first thing this morning. Excellent time for a meeting, btw... first thing Monday morning. As I was walking out, someone not in my department who does not do my job said, "man, I feel sorry for you."
ahhh... the comfort of pity from your coworkers.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Jodi, I'm not trying to bust your chops over that last post, mainly because I can't.
You're intelligent, articulate, careful and insightful. If anyone should be the buster of chops, it should be you.
For shizzle my nizzle.
Posted by: Thomas | 1 février 2005 8h56
Thank you!
That's right! I should be busting chops! Actually, I am not usually one to shy away from a chop busting, if warranted. Ask some of my previous employers.
Posted by: Jodi
1 février 2005 12h35
Pity from co-workers is such fun. They wander by your cube, ask how you are doing, give that "If you need anything, just let me know" glance, pat the desk twice, and merrily skip away down the aisle. I swear you can hear singing....
Posted by: DrinkJack
1 février 2005 16h03
they don't pity me as much now. because now they are sitting in the middle of the mess, just like me. :)
Posted by: Jodi
1 février 2005 17h17