Bunch o' links.
Just want to share with you some of the things I've been reading over the last day.
Can I get an amen here? Well... probably not from any of you people. But I feel all warm inside.
Please go read Debra's letter to the people who write the Canadian Ministry. It's genius.
I believe this is the first time I've ever linked to the newspaper from this particular hometown, out of many, of mine. There is a special, really really boring, place in hell for people like the Olivers, in which demons force them to live by their outrageous beliefs, keep them locked up in dark rooms, never let them read anything good, and keep really interesting secrets from them. Nobody is going to torture them, per se, they are just going to have to live in ignorance and under the laws of someone else's beliefs. Which are truly horrible and illogical beliefs in which all human beings are seen as dirty and morally corrupt. Oh... wait a minute.... [ It also reminds me to let you know that much progress has been made on Satan's Bookclub, on which they Oliver's will have a place of "honor." I finally settled on a design I like, and am planning to work on it this weekend. ]
I was reading the transcript from the live chat with Rod Nordland, Newsweek's Baghdad Bureau Chief on MSNBC.com. I found it very interesting, and I shall present to you my five favorite answers to questions. And yes, bonus points were given for wit and sarcasm.
Hellowell, ME: why does Bush care so much about what happens in Iraq when there are so many poor, sick, poverty-stricken people in the U.S.?
Rod Nordland: Who said he cares?
Hartford, CT: If the world were ruled by "Muslim law," what would it look like???
Rod Nordland: You mean by Islamic law? There are many different versions of that, depending on the society, the culture, the sect of Islam, and it's a bit unfair to generalize. But I suppose one quick answer is it would be as unattractive as, say, a world ruled by fundamentalist Christian law.
Bucharest, Romania: Hi! Do you really think that democracy is the best thing for Iraq? I mean it's obviously the best thing for some countries (like the U.S.), but is it the best thing for others? Maybe democracy and voting just doesn't fit them, just as royalty for example wouldn't fit U.S. And is that what democracy is all about: who isn't like us is against us, therefore we should try to impose democracy everywhere (by force!)?
Rod Nordland: We're going to invade Romania next, so just watch out. Belarus, they really need invasion. Moldavia, Central African Republic. So many dictatorships, so little time!
Harwich, MA: Saddam Hussein has been deposed, no WMD's have been found, the elections are taking place, and the U.S. military is losing lives, ground, and legitimacy daily.
WHAT/WHEN IS OUR EXIT STRATEGY? Do we even have one?
Rod Nordland: It's very simple: last one out, please turn on the lights.
London, England: Divide and rule is what the simpleton Americans use to control other weaker nations. What a pathetic, bullying, ruthless, cowardly lot you are!
Rod Nordland: E tu madre.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Thanks for the Debra link. Funny as hell. Sounds just like a letter written to be returned to the Mid-West (unfortunately).
Scares me how America has been thrusting its might around for the so called "good" of democracy. Just think about how much "good" we could have done with all of the money spent on the war.
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 février 2005 18h43
she's a sassy girl our Debra [not to be confused with Evildeb, who is not Canadian, but still sassy]. You definitely want her on your side of an argument.
Posted by: Jodi
4 février 2005 21h08
I thought it was very interesting how Rod explained our sudden "interest" in their democracy. We had no choice, all of our other "reasons" for being there didn't exist. At that point, after grabbing Saddam, what were we to do? We had to help set something else up to make up for what we ripped down. And after all, our original inspiration for the war was still a concern.... oil.
However, I'm not all that altruistic, I admit I don't want to pay $8 a gallon for gas. I was not in favor of this war, but we are there, and the election was probably a very good thing. I just hope our troops can get out of there as soon as possible.
But can someone PLEASE explain to me why it's ok that we did this, when there were no WMD? We were promised WMD!! Why why why did we re-elect that man? I don't know, but I feel like were lied to.
Posted by: Jodi
4 février 2005 21h12
i am now in love with rod norland. "I feel like were lied to." because we were.
Posted by: arifa
5 février 2005 21h16
"i am now in love with rod norland"
you too? i'm not entirely sure, but i think i have a big old crush on him. it was probably the "et tu, madre?" comment. that one really sent me over the edge.
Posted by: Jodi
5 février 2005 21h18