What's simpler than a potato?*
Sometimes I hate telling super active people my plans for the weekend. Because then they get all sad. The pause and say, "um.. yeah... I have no life either." What? I never said I had no life, I simply said that I have a lot of books I want to read, a web project I want to work on, and the first two discs of season 4 of Oz from Netlfix to watch. I work with people all week long. I look forward to Jodi time. It just so happens I did not have any plans with other humans, this weekend. By choice! No life, indeed.
I just did not happen to mention the most exciting part of my weekend. I discovered that I could apply for a Seattle Public Library card, even though I do not technically live within city limits. Because I work in Seattle. I did not know that. Louise knew it, but did not tell me, because she wanted to hold her dual library card ownership over my head, belonging to both the Seattle Public Library and the King County Library. [I belong to the KCL] Well, no more... because I figured it out. Ha-HA!! Surely, if everyone knew about that part of my weekend, they would not feel unduly sorry for me. TWO LIBRARY CARDS!!! Just wait until Louise gets back from Scotland. I'll flash that SPL card in her face.
Shut up! I did too have a delightful weekend! I like books and the library. And I definitely like season four of Oz. Although, I was a little depressed by the time I finished "Hey Nostrodamus" by Douglas Coupland. But a copious amount of web surfing and random blog reading rectified that.
*Today's subject title is dedicated to Fee, who is watching season 4 right along with me. It's an O'Reily quote! About a potato!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.i think that sounds like a *wonderful* weekend. two library cards???
Posted by: loon
8 février 2005 11h16
it was, thank you very much, loonybell. and yes, i know have TWO LIBRARY CARDS. from TWO DIFFERENT LIBRARY SYSTEMS. the opportunities and possibilities are endless.
oohhh... the power....
Posted by: Jodi
8 février 2005 12h49