I want to buy you flowers, it's such a shame you are a boy.
If I were in a band, this is exactly the type of video I would want. I've always wanted to visit a Burtonesque universe.
Evildeb took the dragon test and claims she's also a black dragon. Which is impossible, since we are polar opposites. While I agree she is probably not a white dragon, she can't be black. I was black first. She should be red or something, that sounds more like her. Exhibit A: she has the S.A.D. You can't be a dragon of the night and complain about not getting enough sun. Black dragons do not believe in the S.A.D. Red dragons love the sun and summer and noon. That's Evildeb. She's just jealous, and she can't let me have anything for myself, so she claims to be black. Soon I will have to smite her.
Josh is still in intensive care, but we hope he will be moved today. Once the threat of internal bleeding has passed, it's on to healing all the bones and rehab. The doctors told my stepmom he will have to learn to walk again, once his pelvis heals. We'll know more once he is moved into the rehab wing. He's got a long road ahead of him. I spoke with him on the phone and that made me feel much better. He seemed to be in pretty good spirits, despite the pain and 4 missing front teeth. I badgered him into eating whatever the hospital tells him to eat, even if it's not vegan. Or I will come down there and feed it to him. I'm also relieved that Faye is there, and can get direct info from the doctors. The cop present at the accident did indeed give Josh a jaywalking ticket. I imagine he stuck it in his coat pocket before they took him away in the ambulance. Cold, man... really cold. The driver got a speeding ticket. Faye is going to get a copy of the police report and already has an attorney, so we can investigate any culpability she, or her insurance rather, has. Hopefully enough to get new teeth.
It's going to be tough, he won't be able to work for a while, he won't have any money, and I doubt he will be able to live without assistance. But you know, he has amazing friends with really big hearts. I'll say one thing for the punk rock/ vegan/ political activist/ nomad lifestyle, you make a lot of good friends all over the country. One of them is flying in from Illinois today. And the local Denver group is talking about having some kind of benefit to raise money to pay his rent for a couple of months. That's just incredible. He's a pretty lucky boy.
I have plans to go over to Louise's house tomorrow to watch "Shaun of the Dead" and eat some kind of animal flesh. Which seems appropriate when one is watching a movie about cannibalistic zombies. As long as it's not human flesh, or flesh from an aquatic type organism, it's a-ok with me. Okay, also no animals that I have kept as a pet. And no lamb or veal. I can't handle that. Let's keep the flesh in the cow-chicken-pork range.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Where do you find these lovely videos! That was intense. Let us know how the movie goes. I have almost rented it three times, but I really do not like horror flicks. So, if there is a glimmer of humor, let me know.
Still sending Josh good vibes through the atmosphere.
Posted by: DrinkJack | 19 février 2005 16h21
I swear that I will remember to sign in one of these days...
Posted by: DrinkJack
19 février 2005 16h21
Louise sent me that one. I'm not sure where she got it. We also have an email list here at work set up to send stuff like that around. It's called mr.snotty, and I sent that video you had on your website, with the kid lip syncing, to it. it's a very handy list.
Posted by: Jodi
19 février 2005 17h23
someone on the dvd said that this was not a humorous zombie movie, but rather a zombie movie with humor. and that is very true. there is traditional zombie type activities in this movie. however, there are some very funny parts. i give it two thumbs up.
Posted by: Jodi
20 février 2005 22h18