A little less conversation, a little more Elvis. Please.
Tonight I am going to an author reading/signing at Third Place Books, to see Robert Crais, author of one of my favorite mystery/detective series, Elvis Cole. Not only is Elvis Cole one of my many Fictional Boyfriends, but this series also features Joe Pike, another Fictional Boyfriend. Besides all of that, they are just great books. I mean, you'd enjoy them even if you didn't have literary crushes on the characters. It's not a requirement. They latest book just came out, I bought it, devoured it, and now have to wait for more. I hate that! It's always fun when you discover a new mystery/detective series you really like, you have all those books ahead of you to enjoy. For example, when I started reading Sue Grafton, she was already on Q! I had A-Q to enjoy! But man, it hurts when you've read everything out, and have to wait for more. I had to wait two some years for "R" to show up. I shudder to think what happens when we reach "Z." So Louise and I are going to the reading, and I am going to have my book signed, and we'll see if yet another author falls prey to Louise's accent. Perhaps I shall ask Louise to politely request that Mr. Crais hurry up and write more Elvis Cole. He will be unable to resist her darling accent. As we all know.
Josh is out of ICU. Which is good and bad. He's also sick and nauseous, and now that he doesn't have ICU watching over him, someone has to sit with him pretty much 24/7. Because he's throwing up every few minutes and coughing up blood. Both of which cause him a great deal pain. So, be careful what you wish for, I guess. The nausea is most likely from the pain medication and the nasty headaches he is having. The coughing is from the cold he's developed. The blood is not from his lungs, but just his guts, I guess. Poor kid, nasty headaches, coughing up blood, throwing up everything you try to eat... that would be bad enough without all the other stuff. They've pumped anit-barf drugs into his iv and they were going to give him a sleeping pill last night, because he hasn't been able to sleep. And before I hung up with Faye, she said he'd just eaten a soda cracker and a popsicle. Hopefully he kept it down, because I'm sure that would help. Too have food in his system. And some sleep. He's got such caring friends, however. They have the patient fridge stocked with vegan foodstuffs for him, they come around and give Faye food and breaks, sit by Josh's bedside and read to him, stay with him throughout the nights so Faye can go home to sleep. It's amazing. All these people who come by several times a day to check on him. There was a man there yesterday who Josh met feeding people in the park on Sundays. Something Faye says he's done since High School. He came by twice yesterday. And they all love Josh.
Today Faye is meeting with a lawyer, and will try to get ahold of the police report, to figure out what's what.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.well, he certainly sounds to be in excellent hands. here's hoping for an increasingly less-painful and super-speedy recovery.
Posted by: river selkie | 21 février 2005 14h57
amen to that. and here's to hoping some insurance company buys him some new teeth. i'm very worried about the teeth.
Posted by: Jodi
21 février 2005 15h56
They have dental implants now where you get a post to mount dentures in place. You get a special tool to unhook them in sections so you can clean them when needed, but you can treat them like teeth most of the time.
I hope you all are getting back to normal soon, wherever you would like your normal to be...
Posted by: Thomas | 21 février 2005 17h44
"I hope you all are getting back to normal soon, wherever you would like your normal to be..."
oh, not overly too, please. overly normal is dull. a happy abnormal is good. with an absence of pain.
all dental plans will have to be pre-approved by my mom, pattie, who is the dental hygienist to the rich and famous. maybe the rich and famous could donate some money for josh's new teeth?
Posted by: Jodi
21 février 2005 17h53
Thanks for the authors. I have been thinking about starting to read mystery novels...tough to choose without guidance.
Posted by: DrinkJack
21 février 2005 18h21
oh, now you've done it. i must make you a list. Louise and I will work on that this evening. We love the mysteries.
Posted by: Jodi
21 février 2005 18h55