Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it.
Today is Louise's anniversary, her Alien Anniversary. She moved to the US four years ago today. Hooray! I thought she should celebrate by eating a cheeseburger or a hot dog, and then maybe some apple pie, drink some Coke. But instead she says she will celebrate the way she celebrates all things in life "by gorging myself on Chinese food." Chinese food? That's doesn't sound terribly americanish. "It's AMERICAN-Chinese food. No scary chicken feet type dishes." I guess that's ok, then.
This explains so much about my professional life. From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments
Justin Kruger and David Dunning
Department of Psychology
Cornell University
I apologize in advance, I got this link from a blog that was on the updated list at MovableType, but I can't remember which one. So, everybody be aware, I did not stumble across this article all on my own. Despite my über valuable B.A. in Psychology, I rarely peruse the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Although, that might change, that article is golden. I can easily see myself muting the polycom during a conference call and saying, "it's ok, 'one of the... features of such incompetence that the person so afflicted is incapable of knowing that he is incompetent. '. He can't help it." And just knowing that will make it all better.
Speaking of aliens, Louise ditched me yesterday, she did not go to the book reading/signing. She decided to stay late and do her job and finish her Big Reports. Whatever. Personally, I think she was scared because she knew that her streak would bust, that this author would failed to be moved by her accent. She's afraid to tarnish her winning record. It's too bad, really. Because Robert Crais was very entertaining and a very very handsome man. She might have enjoyed having him under her Alien Scottish Spell. [or A.S.S as I just this minute decided to call it because I am just THAT brilliant.] But... we'll never know.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Oh, nothing is more American than "Springfield Cashew Chicken".
Posted by: DrinkJack | 22 février 2005 17h31
that's a lot of steps. you guys call that "cooking" don't you? yeeaahhh... i don't do that. i had cold cereal for dinner. i could, quite happily, have cereal for about 85% of my meals.
see, i think few things are as american as the double stuff oreo. that's capitalism at it's best, all represented in a cookie
Posted by: Jodi
22 février 2005 23h32
i laugh at the phrase..."uber-valuable b.a. in psychology".
Posted by: river selkie | 22 février 2005 23h46
"i laugh at the phrase..."uber-valuable b.a. in psychology"."
what? you aren't impressed?
Posted by: Jodi
23 février 2005 7h22
What's the difference between a person with a B.A. in Psychology and a large pizza?
A large pizza can feed a family of four!
(I kid only because I'm degreeless and have nothing uber-valuable besides my internal organs on the black market.)
Posted by: Thomas | 23 février 2005 9h06
well, you aren't really wrong. in the field of psychology, a BA means next to nothing. it's only good when you apply for a job and they say they'd like someone with a college degree in SOMETHING.
i think i used to tell people that when i got out of school i was going to be a receptionist who was a good listener.
you have MANY über-valuable things going for you, Thomas. a college degree ain't all that.
Posted by: Jodi
23 février 2005 9h22
i am not too impressed. only cause i have a b.s. in psychology (therefore i outrank you. down and give me 50 push-ups, soldier!) and i know exactly how worthless it is.
Posted by: river selkie | 23 février 2005 18h20
yup. you totally outrank me. it's true. there are about three classes you had to take that i chose not to. or something like that. i don't remember. i didn't care at that point, i wanted out.
Posted by: Jodi
23 février 2005 18h24