He's a nut-bag! Just because the fucker's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda!
I've been a bad mood for several days, and sometime on Sunday my bad mood moved into my least favorite phase: self pity. That's the phase during which you decide that no one likes you, you suck at your job, you've ruined your life, you have no talent, and you are going to become the crazy cat lady, and die all alone. There's no point in trying to blog about it, because no one likes your blog anyway. The rational part of my brain is trying to tell me to just relax and take a minute to look at those statements objectively, that I will see that things are not that bad and in fact.... but, the part of my brain in charge right now has, like an older brother, locked the rational part of my brain in the hall closet again, recruiting my friends to help him do it, just to show me that he can charm them into turning against me because.... er, umm... yeah. Like that. So yesterday, I couldn't even write an entry, because I had no words to say. I did, however, design library cards for Hell's Library.
As I've been reading my favorite blogs, I've seen I'm not the only one in this mood. In face, maybe it's contagious. Maybe I've caught it from the INTERNET!
Last night, I was driving home from work, listening to the soundtrack to "Dazed and Confused." I was looking for a particular song [Low Rider by War] and as I was hitting the forward track button, I thought to myself, "Maybe it's on the other side." ON THE OTHER SIDE?? Where did that come from? I don't remember the last time I listened to a cassette in my car. Or even at home, really.
Yeah. That's all I have. Not a great story, but what are you going to do... when you are locked in the closet. The Closet of Self Pity!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.i hate the self-pity closet. i get locked in there quite a bit.
Posted by: Judy
15 mars 2005 11h27
oh... PS: i love the library cards!
Posted by: Judy
15 mars 2005 11h28
at least it's not lonely in here. hey - is that a hand?
Posted by: arifa
15 mars 2005 11h41
plenty of room in the Closet of Self Pity! later, we'll have a pity party in the dark, we'll sit in a circle and share stories about how we've disappointed everyone in our lives. or plan to, at least.
Posted by: Jodi
15 mars 2005 13h41
I'm right there with ya, Jodi. I had no motivation to do anything yesterday, except pick myself apart, psychologically, that is. Ugh. It sucks, but it's not permanent. We're uber - we'll bounce back, and be all shiny again, soon! (*whispering* I bought myself the first Sims 2 expansion pack, today, to cheer myself up =) ).
Posted by: Marie
15 mars 2005 13h52
DAMN IT!! there you go, bringing up sims 2, and if that weren't bad enough, you already have an expansion pack. and i have NOTHING!!
you are right, romy, let us remember the uber-pledge: stay shiny, stay curious, stay kind.
ps: although, there are times when i'd like to add "stay away from me." and "stay out of my way."
Posted by: Jodi
15 mars 2005 16h54
not that i wish thee ill, but it kinda helps to know that i am not the only one feeling like that.
i love the cards! when the library is ready, one of those cards is going on my blog.
Posted by: river selkie | 15 mars 2005 22h39
Get that pity ass out of here. You are better than that! Then again, you probably are over it and think I am just cranky. But I am cranky, but no pity on this end. Shit, now I am just rambling and can't just hit the Post button. Nope, fingers just type type type type type type. Crap. Ok, hitting Post now....there, nope, now....nope....ok n.
Posted by: DrinkJack
16 mars 2005 17h43