Well, French Toast isn't really that serious. If I was making you like, Eggs Benedict or something like that, then we need to talk.
The t-shirt I'm wearing today says this:
That is, in fact, a picture of the t-shirt as I wear it. Today. Which is why the text is all curvy. Like me. I'm thinking of wearing it to Easter brunch. Just to give my family a head's up.
Dr. Stevil, Evildeb and I went to lunch with the PSM's. We were invited as a way of saying thank you. For filling in for my PSM while she was on maternity leave. I told them they could just not invite Evildeb because she did not do anything. But they did not believe me. [which is probably for the best, as I was just kidding.] Ever since I got back from lunch, I've been in a food coma. Because I had french toast. In a greek restaurant. They have american food and serve breakfast... I love breakfast food! Besides, my favorite dish there is the tiny cheese pies aka: tirokopita. And we had those as an appetizer. French toast is not a dish that sends you bouncing out of your chair, raring to go and take on the rest of your day. It's a dish that makes you want to curl up, contentedly, and take a wee snappy nap.
There is really no other point to this post. Other than to say, I had french toast, I'm tired, this is my t-shirt and I was going to try to take more pictures so I did.
wait, there's an ok reason for this post right here. Go check out some VR views of the neighborhood I work in, Fremont. You'll need Quicktime installed.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.That is, in fact, a picture of the t-shirt as I wear it. Today. Which is why the text is all curvy. Like me.
You know where MY mind is going... Wonder Woman and that happy, happy eagle hanging on for dear, sweet, bouncy life.
Posted by: Thomas
24 mars 2005 5h10
poor lynda carter. she had virtually no support at all! for which i am sure you are very grateful! :)
Posted by: Jodi
24 mars 2005 14h27